Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server at download.gnome.org Port 443 MirrorBrain powered by Apache powered by Apache. Rufus Downloads Name. Parent Directory - rufus.exe 2018-06-19 11:49 1.0M Rufus 3.1.1320. Last version compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista).
To create the DaRT recovery image by using a PowerShell script
You can create the Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (DaRT) 10 recovery image by using a PowerShell script instead of using the DaRT 10 Recovery Image wizard. See the following example script.
This script was auto generated by the Microsoft DaRT Recovery Image Wizard.``###``This script uses the DISM and DaRT PowerShell commands to create a bootable DaRT image.``###Both a WIM and ISO file are produced.``###``### Examples of how to burn/copy the DaRT ISO to DVD/USB are available at the end of this script.``###
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';``### This variable tells PowerShell to stop if an error occurs.
###``### Import the modules necessary for DaRT Image creation.``###
Import-Module 'Dism'
Import-Module 'Microsoft.Dart'
###``### Specifies where the Windows 10 media is located and where the ISO and WIM files will be saved.``### These can be changed as necessary.``###
$Win10MediaPath = 'D:';``### This is the path of the Windows 10 media.``$DestinationWimPath = 'C:UsersAdministratorDesktopDaRT10x64boot.wim';``### Specify where the WIM file will be saved.``$DestinationIsoPath = 'C:UsersAdministratorDesktopDaRT10x64DaRT10.iso';``### Specify where the ISO will be saved.
###``### These variables are used to specify temporary and output directories based on the paths above.``###
$WimParentPath = (Split-Path -Path '$destinationWimPath' -Parent);``### Specify the directory where the DaRT WIM file will be saved.``$IsoParentPath = (Split-Path -Path '$destinationIsoPath' -Parent);``### This is the directory where the DaRT ISO file will be saved.``$TempMountPath = '$env:tempDaRT10Mount_$(Get-Random)';``### Specify the temporary directory used to mount the Windows image.
###``### Prepare the windows image.``###
### Guarantee the output directories exists.``New-Item -Path $WimParentPath -Type Directory -Force``New-Item -Path $IsoParentPath -Type Directory -Force``New-Item -Path $TempMountPath -Type Directory -Force
### Create a copy of the WIM and remove the read-only attribute.``### The WIM file will be the resulting dart image.``Copy-Item '$Win10MediaPathsourcesboot.wim' $DestinationWimPath -Force``Set-ItemProperty $DestinationWimPath -Name IsReadOnly -Value $false
### Mount the bootable image within the WIM file (normally index 2).``Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $DestinationWimPath -Path $TempMountPath -Index 2
###``### Add additional drivers to the image.``###
###``### Installs the specified driver(s) into the image.``###
Add-WindowsDriver -Path $TempMountPath -Driver 'C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository``xusb22.inf_amd64_89c20c625f14f923xusb22.inf' -ForceUnsigned
###``### Add additional drivers to the image.``###
###``### Installs the specified WinPE package(s) into the image.``###
Add-WindowsPackage -Path $TempMountPath -PackagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10.0Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentamd64WinPE_OCsWinPE-Scripting.cab'``Add-WindowsPackage -Path $TempMountPath -PackagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10.0Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentamd64WinPE_OCsWinPE-FMAPI.cab'``Add-WindowsPackage -Path $TempMountPath -PackagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10.0Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentamd64WinPE_OCsen-usWinPE-Scripting_en-us.cab'``Add-WindowsPackage -Path $TempMountPath -PackagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10.0Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentamd64WinPE_OCsWinPE-HTA.cab'``Add-WindowsPackage -Path $TempMountPath -PackagePath 'C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10.0Assessment and Deployment KitWindows Preinstallation Environmentamd64WinPE_OCsen-usWinPE-HTA_en-us.cab'
###``### Add the DaRT tools to the image.``### The New-DartConfiguration cmdlet is used to specify how the DaRT image is configured.``### Modify this statement to configure how the DaRT tools will be applied to the image.``###
$config = New-DartConfiguration -AddComputerManagement -AddCrashAnalyzer -AddDiskCommander -AddExplorer -AddFileRestore -AddFileSearch -AddHotfixUninstall -AddRegistryEditor -AddRemoteConnection -AddSfcScan -AddSolutionWizard -AddTcpConfig -RemoteMessage 'Test welcome message' -RemotePort 3388 -ScratchSpace 512``$config Set-DartImage -Path $TempMountPath
###``### Perform any manual user-specific customizations here.``###
Index Of Parent Directory
# Read-Host -Prompt 'Script is paused for any manual customization. Press ENTER to continue'
Index Of Parent Directory Tv Series
### Save the changes to the WIM file by dismounting the image.``Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $TempMountPath -Save
### Create a bootable DaRT ISO.``Export-DartImage -IsoPath $DestinationIsoPath -WimPath $DestinationWimPath
### The following is an example of how to burn the ISO to a writeable CD/DVD.``### Specify the correct drive letter and uncomment the statement to burn an ISO.``# Copy-DartImage -IsoPath $DestinationIsoPath -Drive 'G:' -Type DVD
### Removes all temporary files.``Remove-Item $TempMountPath -Force -Recurse