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How to install Ubuntu Software Center on Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 Zasty Zepus (NOTE: Different from Ubuntu Software)?

How to install software center on kali linux. Some index files failed to download They. Kali Linux - How To Install Ubuntu Software Center. The same reason you shouldn't install all Kali Linux tools on Ubuntu via Katoolin. It requires you to add repositories which ultimately breaks the system (believe me, I have tried this a lot). Sofware Center kali hi i got easy step for install software like ubuntu software center. I successfully download software-center.deb for my kali linux.

As we know, Ubuntu GNOME comes with GNOME Software by default. However, I'd need the old Ubuntu Software Center for the sake of few packages that can be found there. I already tried to search through Synaptic Package Manager, but with no luck. I also tried to run sudo apt-get install software-center, but it resulted into the following:

Install kali linux all

What I am particularly looking for, is GStreamer plugins for mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack (thorugh Ubuntu Software Center).



closed as off-topic by N0rbert, George Udosen, Eric Carvalho, user535733, MadMikeFeb 18 '18 at 16:52

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

Install kali linux all
  • 'This question is specific to an end of life Ubuntu release. These are no longer supported and are therefore off-topic here. To upgrade, see: How to install software or upgrade from old unsupported release?' – N0rbert, George Udosen, Eric Carvalho, user535733, MadMike
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

'software-center': The new package name is gnome-softwarehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=software&searchon=names

The old software-center http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/software-center/ ... The source packages, version software-center_1.0.2.tar.gz ... to software-center_13.10.orig.tar.gz ( Patches for the latest version : software-center_13.10-0ubuntu4.1.debian.tar.gz )

Knud LarsenKnud Larsen

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You've heard of Kali Linux, right? If not, what you need to know is that Kali is one of the most powerful penetration testing platforms on the market. It's a Linux distribution that can be installed and used for free to help you run just about every kind of network test imaginable.

But for some, running Kali would be so much easier if it could be integrated with the likes of Ubuntu. Guess what? It can! Thanks to an easy to use script, called Katoolin, you can install any of the Kali Linux tools right on Ubuntu.

Let me walk you through the process.

Installing Katoolin

This installation is done completely through the command line. The process goes something like this:

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Install git with the command sudo apt-get install git
  3. Now, download Katoolin with the command sudo git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git
  4. Copy the katoolin executable to the proper directory with the command sudo cp katoolin/katoolin.py /usr/bin/katoolin
  5. Give the executable proper permissions with sudo chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/katoolin

You are now ready to use Katoolin.


To run the software, open a terminal window, issue the command sudo katoolin, and the ncurses-based tool will present itself. Here you will see an easy-to-navigate menu structure that makes installing the bits and pieces of Kali Linux a breeze (Figure A).

Install Kali Linux From Usb

Figure A

The Katoolin main menu.

The first thing you must do is install the repositories by tapping the 1 key on your keyboard and then hitting the [Enter] key. Once the repositories are added, you can view the categories of available software and install anything you like. You can also install the classicmenu indicator, which is a Ubuntu Unity panel indicator that serves as a standard application menu (and it will offer a category-based hierarchy of all software installed).

There is one caveat to using Katoolin. Not all of the software listed is actually available. If you go to View Categories and then enter 0 for all, the installer will immediately return to where you were. Scroll up, and you'll see that a number of the packages can't be found. My guess is that those packages are no longer maintained or have been removed from the Kali repositories. Even with this issue, you'll still find a ton of the Kali software available for installation.

Your best bet is to go into each category and install the software one by one (Figure B).

Figure B

Installing from the Sniffing & Spoofing tools category.

If you're looking to get some of the power of Kali Linux, but you don't want to go to the trouble of doing a full distribution install, this handy script should get you where you need to go.

When you're doing network and penetration testing, what tools do you turn to? Share your experience in the discussion thread below.

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